Saturday, February 19, 2011

"He's Candy-Coated Misery"

Ah, Carrie -- Have you been where we've been? Did some two-timin' gigolo break your heart, too? 'Cause you sing this with such passion, like you KNOW how it feels ......

And when Carrie says "You'd better run for your life" you'd better know she means it! Casanovas will steal your heart, and take everything else you value in yourself and your life if you let them.

This got me to thinking about the real life Casanova, the famous womanizer. In his own autobiography, written in the 1790s, he wrote: “Cultivating whatever gave pleasure to my senses was always the chief business of my life; I never found any occupation more important. Feeling that I was born for the sex opposite of mine, I have always loved it and done all that I could to make myself loved by it.”

Boy, ain't THAT the truth with these guys! Thinking with the wrong head, 'cause the one they should be using is oxygen-deprived from blood loss, their only purpose in life is to treat women like pawns in a seductive little game they play.

Why do we romanticize a sleaze like Casanova? According to Wikipedia "He strove to be the ideal escort in the first act—witty, charming, confidential, helpful—before moving into the bedroom in the third act."

Nowadays we call it the "3rd date."

Well, who doesn't want the escape? Who doesn't want to be flirted with, pursued, wanted, seduced? Of course we fall for them! "He's like a drug, you get addicted to his love."

But we should know better.

The fix from their drug wears off. We feel humiliation, rage, disgust, a whole mix of emotions. But they don't consider the consequences of their actions, only going after the next conquest.

So don't take that cool drink of water - splash yourself back to reality instead! "Don't let him mess with your mind ...... he'll break your heart, it's just a matter of time."

'Till next time, 'cause sadly there's always another one ........


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